Seed Giveaway

This is a great way to encourage people to garden. Giving people planted seeds that they can look after on their windowsill or plant out into a pot or garden spot if they have one. To start with figure out who you want to give seed pots to and how many you will aim to give away.


The main objective is to help people see how easy it is to grow vegetables and pollinator-friendly plants. outcomes could include greater awareness of your site, people sharing food they grow, engaging with ecological breakdown.

What you will need:

  • 4 inch pots

  • Peet free potting soil

  • tomato and sunflower seeds

  • A sticker for the side of the pot with a website where they can see instructions for plant care and an invitation to your community. This can also be printed (but try to stay as paperless as possible)

Open Day:

Open up your space and encourage people to come along and either be given a planted pot or plant one themselves. This is a great way to tell people about your community and let people know about the big harvest.

Giving away more pots:

If on the open day you don’t give away all your pots. Think about other places in your community that might benefit from them. For instance:

  • Local schools

  • retirement homes

  • buisnesses

  • door to door around your community

This is just one way to go about giving away plants for the Big Harvest. Make it your own and share your stories by clicking the link below.


Hazelnut Communion Liturgy


One Bread