‘Safeguarding is key to a healthy Hazelnut Community’

What to do if you have concerns

If anyone has safeguarding concerns relating to Children or Vulnerable Adults at HCF, it is vital that these are shared at the earliest possible opportunity with the Parish Safeguarding Officer.

 Hazelnut Safeguarding Officer: Jonathan Davies

 Email: safeguarding@hazelnutcommunityfarm.com

Tel: 07540960254


 Hazelnut Trustee in charge of Safeguarding: Clare Fussell



Tel: 07872015753


 If you are unable to contact any of these people, or your concern relates to one of these people, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team: Email Adam.Bond@bristoldiocese.org safeguarding@bristoldiocese.org/ Tel: 0117 960100


In an emergency call 999 immediately, then contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer at the earliest possible opportunity. It is always better to call and talk a situation through, even if it turns out not to be a concern. If you find yourself dwelling on a situation or thinking about it outside of Hazelnut, this is probably a sign that you should share that information.

Hazelnut Safeguarding Team

  • Jonathan Davies

    Hazelnut Safeguarding Officer

  • Clare Fussell

    Hazelnut Trustee in charge of Safeguarding

  • Revd. John White

    Lead of Hazelnut Community Farm