Loss and belonging to place: a theology of naming as an act of hope

Increasing numbers of us feel displaced - either through migration or through the loss of the places and seasons known to us. This event explores how we can teach ourselves and others to belong in a time of loss, and especially how the church can help renew local belonging.

Time: 23rd of September 7:30 pm- 8:30 pm

Location: Zoom

Cost: Free for Hazelnut Community, £5 for those not a part of the community 


Hannah is an Assistant Curate in the Diocese of Newcastle. Her PhD offered a theological account of climate and ecological grief, exploring what this experience tells us about being human, and how it ought to be expressed. She sits on the board of Operation Noah and is a member of the Church of England Environment Working Group. She regularly speaks and writes about climate justice and theology for academic and popular audiences, and is the editor of Words for a Dying World: Stories of Grief and Courage from the Global Church (SCM Press, 2020).


Rosie Hopley