The Cross

A multi-sensory reflection for Good Friday

Good Friday Stations of the Cross


·        Welcome

·        Explain how video and liturgy will work.

·        Don’t be afraid of the pauses and the silence.

·        Feel free to turn off cameras if you need/helpful

·        Assign readers.


Video Begins: the Garden

In the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.

All   Amen.


Jesus told his disciples, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.’

Matthew 16.24,25

Once we were far off, but now in union with Christ Jesus we have been brought near through the shedding of Christ’s blood, for he is our peace.

Ephesians 2.13,14


Let us pray together.

All   Almighty and everlasting God,

who in your tender love towards the human race

sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ

to take upon him our flesh

and to suffer death upon the cross:

grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility,

and also be made partakers of his resurrection;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever. Amen.


Ninth Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem 

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

All because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


A reading from the Gospel according to Luke.

A great number of the people followed him, and among them were women who were beating their breasts and wailing for him. But Jesus turned to them and said, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For the days are surely coming when they will say, “Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.” Then they will begin to say to the mountains, “Fall on us”; and to the hills, “Cover us.” For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?’

Luke 23.27-31


·        Catch up on story since Palm Sunday

·       Supper, Gethsemane and previous stations

1.     Jesus in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane

2.     Jesus betrayed and Judas arrested

3.     Jesus condemned by the Sanhedrin

4.     Peter denies Jesus

5.     Jesus Judged by Pilot

6.     Jesus scourged and crowned with thorns

7.     Jesus carries the cross

8.     Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross

·       Way of the Cross – waling with Jesus – discipleship ‘taking up our cross’

·       Watching with the women (men have run away)


Lord Jesus, the women of Jerusalem wept for you:

move us to tears at the plight of the broken in our world.

You embraced the pain of Jerusalem, the ‘city of peace’:

bless Jerusalem this day and lead it to the path of profound peace.

To you, Jesus, the King of peace who wept for the city of peace,

be honour and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

now and for ever.

All   Amen.

All   Holy God,

holy and strong,

holy and immortal,

have mercy upon us.

Tenth Station: Jesus is crucified 

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

All   because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


A reading from the Gospel according to Mark.

And they crucified him, and divided his clothes among them, casting lots to decide what each should take.

Mark 15.24

Prayer – speak over part 1 of cross video or at end of video segment

Lord Jesus, you bled in pain as the nails were driven into your flesh:

transform through the mystery of your love the pain of those who suffer.

To you, Jesus, our crucified Lord,

be honour and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

now and for ever.

All   Amen.

Eleventh Station: Jesus promises the kingdom to the penitent thief 

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

All   because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


A reading from the Gospel according to Luke.

One of the criminals who were hanged there kept deriding him and saying, ‘Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!’ But the other rebuked him, saying, ‘Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed have been condemned justly, for we are getting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.’ Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ He replied, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’

Luke 23.39-43

Taize recording – Jesus remember me


Lord Jesus, even in your deepest agony you listened to the crucified thief:

hear us as we unburden to you our deepest fears.

You spoke words of love in your hour of death:

help us to speak words of life to a dying world.

To you, Jesus, who offer hope to the hopeless,

be honour and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

now and for ever.

All   Amen.

Twelfth Station: Jesus on the cross; his mother and his friend 

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

All   because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


A reading from the Gospel according to John.

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, here is your son.’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.

John 19.26,27

Mary Monologue

Prayer - speak over part 2 of cross video or at end of video segment

Lord Jesus, your mother and your dearest friend stayed with you to the bitter end,

yet even while racked with pain you ministered to them:

be with all broken families today

and care for those who long for companionship.

You cared for your loved ones even in your death-throes:

give us a love for one another

that is stronger even than the fear of death.

To you, Jesus, loving in the face of death,

be honour and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

now and for ever.

All   Amen.


Thirteenth Station: Jesus dies on the cross 

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

All   because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


A reading from the Gospel according to Mark.

At three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ When some of the bystanders heard it, they said, ‘Listen, he is calling for Elijah.’ And someone ran, filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a stick, and gave it to him to drink, saying, ‘Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to take him down.’ Then Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last.

Mark 15.34-37


Prayer - speak over part 3 of cross video or at end of the video segment

Lord Jesus, you died on the cross

and entered the bleakest of all circumstances:

give courage to those who die at the hands of others.

In death you entered into the darkest place of all:

illumine our darkness with your glorious presence.

To you, Jesus, your lifeless body hanging on the tree of shame,

be honour and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

now and for ever.

All   Amen.


Fourteenth Station: Jesus laid in the tomb

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

All   because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


A reading from the Gospel according to Mark.

Then Joseph bought a linen cloth, and taking down the body, wrapped it in the linen cloth, and laid it in a tomb that had been hewn out of the rock. He then rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.

Mark 15.46


Lord Jesus, Lord of life, you became as nothing for us:

be with those who feel worthless and as nothing in the world’s eyes.

You were laid in a cold, dark tomb and hidden from sight:

be with all who suffer and die in secret,

hidden from the eyes of the world.

To you, Jesus, your rigid body imprisoned in a tomb,

be honour and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

now and for ever.

All   Amen.


Hymn– When I Survey

The Conclusion 

Let us pray for the coming of God’s kingdom

in the words our Saviour taught us.

The Lord’s Prayer is said.


The Lord be with you

All   and also with you.

May God bless us,

that in us may be found love and humility,

obedience and thanksgiving,

discipline, gentleness and peace.

All   Amen.


We depart in silence.


Elements (Fire)


The Table