We hope that this leads and guides you in your thinking and practice. If there is a link that you think needs to be added please send through the link and the category to: office@hazelnutcommunityfarm.com

Leading Outdoor Church

Messy Church Goes Wild. Great for all age worship outside- Click Here

Muddy Church. Wondering and Wandering Together - Click Here

An Overview and helpful advice from the Church of England - Click Here

An introduction to Forest Church, from Gloucester Diocese- Click Here

A few Outdoor Church Resources from Engage Worship - Click Here

Prayer, Worship, and Bible Study Resources

Prayer Resources from Green Christian - Click Here

Worship Resources from Green Christian - Click Here

Pray and Fast for the Climate on the first day of each month - Click Here

Christian Environmental Organisations and Charities

A Rocha UK is working for the restoration of the natural world and the equipping of churches - Click Here

Creation Care is encouraging households to care for God's world - Click Here

Green Christian are promoting prayer, hope and action - Click Here

Operation Noah is inspiring action on the climate crisis - Click Here

John Ray Initiative connects environment, science and Christianity - Click Here

Christian Aid is helping poor communities affected by climate change - Click Here

EcoChurch is A Rocha's UK Award Scheme for Churches in England and Wales - Click Here

World Vision provides some really helpful insights and resources - Click Here

There is loads of great information on the European Christian Environmental Network - Click Here

Hope for the Future enables people and groups to have their voice heard - Click Here


Sermons, blogs and inspiration from A Rocha - Click Here

A Rocha UK’s Wild Christian, Connecting Faith, Nature and Climate - Click Here

Hazelnut Community Farm. A brilliant new Church and network - Click Here

Brilliant videos and more from Patagonia - Click Here

Loads of great environmental video shorts from BBC Ideas - Click Here

Culturally engaged and beautiful videos from Emergence Magazine - Click Here

Home and Travel

Advice on saving energy at home from the Energy Saving Trust - Click Here

Carbon Footprint Calculator from Climate Stewards - Click Here

The Big Green Switch, comparing Green Energy providers - Click Here

Resources for cycling and walking from Sustrans - Click Here

Low Carbon Travel Guide - Click Here

Allotments and Community Gardening

RHS Plants for Pollinators Guide - Click Here

Why every Church should plant a garden by A Rocha - Click Here

Redeeming the Dirt connects faith with permaculture - Click Here


A vision for ethical and sustainable food from Green Christian - Click Here

A healthy and sustainable Planetary Health Diet - Click Here

Really important information about Palm Oil - Click Here

Reducing Kitchen Food Waste - Click Here

Olio are one of the best know free food sharing apps - Click Here

The Soil Association are transforming the way we eat, farm and care for the natural world - Click Here

The best all round site is probably Ethical Consumer - Click Here

An interesting article on how to shop organic - Click Here

Important facts and stats on food wastage - Click Here


The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) sustainability program - Click Here

Fair Wear Foundation supports workers in the garment industry - Click Here

Rewilding and Conservation 

Rewilding Britain is the best place to start - Click Here

Wild East is an amazing and inspiring rewilding Project - Click Here

A Rocha is the leading Christian Charity when it comes to Conservation - Click Here

Caring for God’s Acre turns graveyards into wildlife havens - Click Here

Walks, wildlife, and information about the Nene Valley from the Wildlife Trust -Click Here

Land Share

Lend and Tend save unloved gardens with garden-sharing - Click Here

Information about Landshare Schemes from Permaculture - Click Here

The Ecological Land Cooperative is well worth checking out - Click Here

Tree Planting

Ecologi plant trees to compensate for our carbon footprint - Click Here

The Future Forests Network Facebook page is really helpful - Click Here

Tree Planting UK have a great Facebook page too - Click Here

Harborough Woodland is doing brilliant work in the Market Harborough area - Click Here

Eco Villages

Global ecovillage network- Click Here

Findhorn ecovillage (Scotland)- Click Here

Cloughjordan ecovillage (Ireland)- Click Here

Recommended movies on permaculture

Kiss the Ground = Available on Netfix




