Rachel Summers
My background is in primary school teaching, but while my children were small I worked with young people with SEN/EBD on a 121 basis. I found that they were hitting all their targets so much faster when I taught them outdoors, and discovered the forest school ethos and pedagogy. I retrained as a forest school practitioner and have been delivering sessions with schools, nurseries, and families for the past few years. I'm a lay pioneer minister for the Diocese of Chelmsford involved with forest church in my local context, and have written several books to help people discover God through his creation.
Jane Butler
Jane Butler is the Messy Church training & development lead at BRF. She is responsible for the growing task of providing quality training and connection for the Messy Church network. She works closely with ministry lead, Aike Kennett-Brown, to plan for the future and shares responsibility for the many new developments within Messy Church. Her main focus over the past 18 months has been the field testing of the new Messy Adventures resources as part of the Messy Church Goes Wild movement within Messy Church. Messy Church Goes Wild aims to encourage Messy Churches to meet God outdoors, love the natural world and to become more eco aware in all they do.